Hardi TWIN FORCE boom

The biggest challenge is timing due to weather conditions
Let’s take control. With the HARDI TWIN system, air will help you control the wind. You are in control of the speed and angle giving you the possibility of covering the whole plant, from top to bottom.

The ideal high capacity solution
Spray drift from conventional sprayer can be so strong that the operator has to stop before having the spray job done. With efficient drift control it is much easier for the operator to be able to spray the entire field. Under most conditions the farmers get at least twice as many hours for a safe and efficient spray job with the TWIN sprayer compared to conventional spraying. The TWIN FORCE is available in sizes from 18 to 36 m.

Up to 100% more spray capacity
Timing is everything! The results overleaf show that during Spring 2015 the wind conditions for conventional spraying would only allow 31 days of spraying whilst using a TWIN Force you would gain over 45 extra days suitable for spraying. At the same time you can spray faster and have less filling time from reduced water consumption. Increased spray opportunities, reduced drift, reduced chemical usage, accurate placement, faster spraying speed, result in improved economy! HARDI TWIN FORCE

Save up to 30% on chemicals
Many trials throughout the years have shown a better chemical efficacy using TWIN. This gives the opportunity to adjust the chemical dose, and at some markets we see up to 30% reduction in chemicals consumption at the farm through the season.

  • Reduced drift
  • Save up to 30% in chemicals
  • Better penetration in the crop
  • Improved spraying economy
  • Lower water consumption
  • Higher capacity
  • Hydraulic AntiYaw dampening
  • More than 30 years’ experience in TWIN